state of the blog address
greetings to all that may read or view this fine gear-boy blog. it was the intention to use this blog as a voice for, while it was going through its rebuilding. now that is back, it is the intention of the gear-boy empire to keep this blog going. while their are those who do not share our views, to them we say, tough shit. the focus of this blog was to point out the fact any idiot can post worthless, mindless, & often times offensive rhetoric, we just wanted to be the idiots you checked out. where we are going is some cause for concern, because frankly we dont know. one thing is for sure, you will always have some sort of gear-boy pinup, she just might not be posing next to a bike, or car for that matter. our motorsport focus will be kept in tact as well, just might have some other stuff to look at, who knows. its the future & we are not there yet. stick around, go to the mothership & say hello.
title sez it all.